
    I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none (ACT 1, Scene VII)

    The Macbeth Quote “I dare do all that may become a man” is spoken by Macbeth himself in Scene VII, of ACT 1. Here Macbeth tells his wife that, he dares to do anything and everything that is appropriate for a man to do. Someone who does more than that is not a man at all.

    Prithee, peace:
    I dare do all that may become a man;
    Who dares do more is none.

    Macbeth is in a great dilemma, he is confused with his mission of committing the murder. According to him, King Duncan is a noble man, he is free from all the corruptions and if he kills him, his virtue will speak for the justice. We can clearly see his inner turmoil. He is having a sort of inner battle between his ambition of becoming king and his action.

    Lady Macbeth, his wife tries to strengthen his spirit and manipulates him to murder King Duncan. She often rebukes Macbeth and challenges his manhood, whenever she finds him stepping his feet back. In the Scene, Macbeth says, they should drop their plan of murdering King Duncan because he is satisfied with the honors and rewards that he received from the king. Lady Macbeth turns angry upon hearing this and challenges his love and compared him with a coward cat.

    Macbeth tries to makes his wife understand that he dares to do everything that is proper for a man to do, and anyone who does more is not a man at all. We can see that Macbeth doesn’t want to kill King because he knows that its not a proper thing for a man to do. But later in the play, he will kill King Duncan, Banquo, Macduff’s family, partly because of his ambition and partly because of Lady Macbeth’s manipulation.

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