I will speak daggers to her but use none

shakespeare quotes i will speak daggers to her but use none

This speech “I will speak daggers to her but use none” was used in Shakespeare Play, Hamlet, ACT III, Scene II. Hamlet was angry on his mother, because of her decision to marry his uncle. She married her before the mourning period of her husband’s death was over. This made hamlet, extremely  furious, and hecontinue reading

When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions

shakespeare quotes when sorrows come

The quote “When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions” was used by Claudius in Shakespeare play, Hamlet, Act IV, Scene V. Claudius meant that, when bad incidents occur, they do not happen alone and many other bad happenings occur simultaneously to contribute to human tragedy. You may use this quote, whencontinue reading

Hamlet summary

hamlet summary, hamlet synopsis, hamlet short summary and hamlet quiz

The hamlet summary explains various plots of Hamlet with examples of his famous soliloquies that fill the play with intelligent use of poetic devices. The tone of hamlet is one of foreboding and depression where Shakespeare indulges upon the themes of indecisiveness and hesitation. Hamlet the true moral hero seeks to avenge his murdered fathercontinue reading

King Lear summary

king lear summary, Shakespeare tragic heroes

In the King Lear summary we learn about Shakespeare’s King Lear a play which is based upon the mythological Celtic king of Britain King Leir. As a tragedy with psychological overtones, the play marks the descent of King Lear into madness brought upon by the cruel behavior of his two daughters whose false flattery incitescontinue reading

King Henry v summary

king henry v

The king Henry V summary deals with the theme of warfare. It revolves around Henry 5 claim to the throne of France and his subsequent conquest of it which ends in his marriage to the French Princess Katherine. The play is significant for its rousing battle speeches which Henry makes at Hafleur and Agincourt whichcontinue reading

Henry IV part 2 summary

henry iv part 2 summary synopsis

The Henry IV part 2 summary is a continuation of Henry IV Part 1, as the third play of Shakespeare’s tetra-logy it is an extended version of the events following the king’s victory at Shrewsbury and his continued fight with rebellion. The play also ends with Prince Hal crowned King Henry the V. The secondcontinue reading